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Author: djuarez1 (Page 4 of 7)

HomeWork 10/12

Source #1: “Man dies , Discovers ultimate truth about our soul’s purpose on earth, Consciousness and Oneness.” Uploaded by Dorothy Shelton – April 2, 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRc430cTkQk

My current research question is, what happens to you in the so called afterlife? For starter’s many people do not believe in the afterlife or the existence of their being a bright light waiting for you in the other side. Nobody on planet earth can tell you what happens, or what is to come in the afterlife. Unless you’ve had a near death experience and have felt or witnessed something 99% of human man kind hasn’t.  In this particular youtube video a man that goes by Andy Petro started telling us on how he drowned two days before his high school graduation in Michigan. He stated the water was extremely cold and had started to get cramps a couple of minutes into his swim. He had waved for help but his friends didn’t think much of it. Suddenly he heard voices in his head telling him to let go, to not be afraid, as well as “Andy we love you”. He had eventually let go and stopped trying to get back to the top of the lake where he was initially at the bottom of.  Andy was sucked into a tunnel and immediately felt warm and happy. He had been taken too a place where he would be able to to see his memories in his current life as well as his past’s ones. He claimed this all happened while he was in a giant sphere the size of a soccer coliseum. Whatever screen he had looked he would relive the moment of that particular memory. After this Andy was taken back to the tunnel where he could see the light being as close as you are to a computer screen. He had seen billions of other lights just like him. Those light had told Andy “Welcome home Andy”. He became the one of the light’s where he had said ” It was the best feeling a human could have felt”.At the point he knew the answers to anything. You could’ve asked Andy anything and he knew the answer. He would go on and explain the purpose of life , which is to be full of joy. Going into the after life which Andy stated felt like he was there for months , only had lasted 10-15 minutes in earth time.

Andy had expressed and vividly described what he had felt in the youtube video. You and I will probably never experience what Andy felt but being able to listen to someone else’s story on what had happened when he was dead and unconscious for that small period of time, and being able to live with this for the remainder of his life is truly a good thing to hear. He had seen his own body at the bottom of the lake , watching from his soul that had been taken out of his body. Andy made very great points and really persuades his viewers and you could honestly feel every word he said , making me feel like I knew what exactly he had went through. He explained what happened to him step by step , full details making his story more believable. If I knew Andy I would ask him plenty of questions like, How mentally challenged were you when you had to go back to your body? and etc. He explained how he didn’t even want to be alive anymore and just wanting to return to the light, which he called home. With his remainder time on earth all he wants to do is make others around him feel happy and joy like he had felt going into the afterlife. He hadn’t shared his story about what happened to him when he had left his body for more than 30 years. He thought he would’ve sounded crazy until a couple of other people came out and had similar experiences like him. Dr.Moody has a book titled “Life after life” which the author of that book shared similar feelings with Andy . Andy actually read the book in one session. Thats how much he was invested into it. He felt a sign of relief and he stated “And now all of a sudden I’m not crazy”.

HomeWork 10/5

Is after life real ? I’ve  always wondered since I was little , do I come back alive when I die ? I’ve always hoped to be granted with a new body when death arrives. I know how it sounds , a little crazy to some people . I kinda think outside the box on this topic. My guess on after life would be , if one person does good things and meets certain requirements in life you will be granted with another. As well as , if you have done terrible things in one of your past lives you will have a chance to redeem yourself in the next. Many religious people have their own god they worship and believe after life is the real deal . Many people repent their sins , asking their god for forgiveness. I am interested in this question because many do believe in after life and many don’t. I do believe in after life for many reasons. One day my mom went to those card reader’s or fortune teller people , call it whatever you want. As my mother went , my name was brought up and the card reader would bring up me and my siblings personal traits. Specifically the card reader said I had traits of being very strong minded , to be very fierce at times , but very hardheaded at the same time. I would say that fits the description very good.  What caught my attention the most is when the card reader said I had these same traits in my previous lives. The person was informing that I have had previous lives which lead me further to my question. Is after life real? In my research I expect to find personal experiences where people have been presumed as dead but come back alive minutes later. I expect to find many cases like this because I believe it has happened before. Many people talk about seeing a glimpse of heaven or hell. So I expect to find a lot of experiences just like this.

HomeWork 10/3

As a kid I was interested in many things.I could name hundreds of things but I mostly was interested in cars. Cars is easily number one on my list. When I was little almost everyday I would beg my parents to take me to ride aid to be my a toy car. My parents told me I would have a huge out burst if I didn’t get what I wanted. You can definitely blame my addiction to cars because of the movie Transformers. Till this day I am still very big on cars and I love them without a doubt. Ranging from dodge which is very big on American muscle cars. Like who doesn’t want a hellcat or a scatpack. We also got the german cars like Mercedes Benz , Audi, BMW, and etc. My curiosity has definitely grown throughout the years since every year the cars getting built are more advanced with newer technology and many more specs being added to themselves. It’s more so that I didn’t really ask a person questions on these cars but I would usually watch a youtube video if I needed some information about something I didn’t know. The educational system didn’t really play a role since schools really don’t talk about cars and stuff relating to that. Till this day I am still very intrigued by cars and I doubt that I will lose interest in them.  Just being able to have friends that share the same passion about cars and being able to say ” Damn look at that car that just passed by” then having a whole conversation about what engine it has . Then the leading on question being , what car do you want in the possible future? I feel like those conversations are wholesome. If you got a group of friends that’s very big on whatever your interest are their is no possible way of you losing interest in it.

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