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Author: Duval Wallace (Page 5 of 8)

Homework 10/5

How much physical cash can a person own? If you search it up, the question changes: How much money can you legally carry on your person in the United States? The response is If you are stopped by a United States Customs and Border Protection officer and more than $10,000 is found on the person or belongings. This money was not declared. You run the very real risk of CBP taking all of the money you were carrying and keeping it. But that doesn’t answer my question because what if you are a rapper, have a lot of money, and aren’t leaving the United States? I know the government will raid a drug dealer’s house and collect Thousands of dollars, but that’s not legal money. If a person is working hard and making money Legally and decides he would like to take out all cash. Who would stop him from doing that? If Donald Trump wants to remove all his money from the bank, who stops him? Donald Trump is worth 2.5 billion USD and is in legal trouble; if they were to freeze all of his accounts, he wouldn’t have any money to pay Lawyers and all other things pertaining to his case, but if he had cash, he would be able to. His advantage of having a card over having money just became a disadvantage. Some stores don’t have Card readers for you to pay, but have you ever walked into a store and they said they won’t take physical money? Paper money is the backbone of our economy. Only 8% of the world’s currency is physical cash, but what if the online banking system collapsed like it did in 1929? Everything would go wrong because everyone lives off online banking. But the person reading this should be worried about having cash, maybe not because out of the world, there’s only 1% that is rich. What are the odds a 1% is reading a College Students paper

Homework 10/3

A Topic I am very interested in is money. I used to ask questions about how it’s made; I was really into the math part of it. It’s been leasing over the years. The Educational System played a significant role because I learned math from school and the people’s history on the money. I think my interest was in leasing when my mom opened a bank account for me, and I started using my card and not carrying cash all around. I learned about the Great Depression. There used to be news articles about how it will never happen again. I sometimes read about Bitcoin and trading stocks because that’s what rich people are into. Back in 2019, in a Netflix Series called Money Heist, The Professor planned to pull off the biggest heist in recorded history to print billions of euros in the Royal Mint of Spain. The police couldn’t get into the bank at first because all the government secrets were locked in the bank. To me, it’s not about money. It’s the favors you can get with the money and popularity. You could be broke one day, and because you have a good character and connection, you will be rich again tomorrow, unlike people who do bad things to get their money and treat people anyway because they are rich. I always wonder what’s the most physical cash a person could have in their house or safe. It would probably not be as much as having the money in their bank account, but they would probably not be able to spend it like how you spend physical money. There is a movie I forgot the name of, but it was about a future where they didn’t use money as payment. They used time. I have always been interested in movies about money and action

Homework 9/28

After Reading Later again, I still feel the same way I felt. The message was the same, but it got to me more now that I have reread it. I’m reading it. Each year, Americans waste hundreds of millions of dollars because they don’t file their taxes on time. I waited until the last minute to do my Fasfa and Tap and was so confused. Luckily, I got help from my guidance counselor. After I completed it, I had trouble getting into College because I didn’t get it finished. Then they gave me my stuff late, so I didn’t know I had to submit a meningitis form that put a hold on my acceptance. If I had done this all before, I wouldn’t have had to deal with it after graduating. I would have got the help while still in school. The reading helped me. I don’t think my procrastination will stop over time, but it might if I take care of it one assignment at a time. I believe my procrastination with work is with the subjects I don’t like. I think my procrastination has improved since my High school days because, in College, they aren’t on your back to complete the work; it’s like if you do it or you don’t, they don’t care. That has changed my mindset on doing my Homework because I must have my own back. If the reading wasn’t so long, I might have read it once in a while, but I got the point of the assignment, and I will keep it in mind when I’m sitting down watching Netflix, knowing I need to do my Homework that’s due in a few days that I haven’t touched. I’ll try to keep the message in my mind.

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