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Author: Duval Wallace (Page 4 of 8)

Homework 10/24

Every day, we buy things regardless of physical cash or electronically. Without money, you wouldn’t be able to live. When you go to work, you work to earn money; the money then turns into groceries, pay your bills, or even treat yourself to something nice. If you weren’t getting paid to work, no one would work. If no one worked, there would be no more; there wouldn’t even be a company. What is the role of cash in today’s society? Is it as important as it once was? This Question always interested me from a young because when I was younger, I thought candy was the most important thing until I got introduced to money, which allowed me to get more candy. I used to calculate how much money I needed to get my sunflower seeds, candy, drink, and a sandwich. Ipl was like in the 5th grade; this helped me learn math. I used to get twenty dollars around that time, and I used to think I would have forty if I had twenty dollars worth of candy. I never did it because I knew I needed the money for food besides candy. After doing my research, I expect to find how money is vital in day-to-day life, how it’s a backbone of our economy, and how the value of it increases. If my findings are different from what I expected, I will continue reading and put them in my work because no topic is one-sided, and everyone has their own opinion. If it has points to prove it, then it’s good. If there weren’t more than two sides to an argument, everyone is the same and whipped. That’s like Debating over something important, and there is no one to disagree with you; how will the listeners know you aren’t correct if they don’t hear the other side?

Jordan, Stephanie. “The Importance of Cash in Today’s Society” 30 Mar. 2023, www.logicpath.com/blog/the-importance-of-cash-in-todays-society. Accessed 24 Oct. 2023.

After reading my first source, I learned that even during COVID-19, they wanted to stop accepting money but couldn’t because it was nineteen percent of all transactions. Some people like cash because it gives them a sense of privacy, or they don’t have a bank account. Taking away Physical cash wouldn’t be good. If technology shuts down, we must return to cash because that’s the only way. You also pay more money using your card than cash because they charge you a fee. 

The writing aimed to inform readers about the importance of cash in today’s society and why it’s still better than online banking. The targeted audience is general. I agree with the writing because it gave a lot of good points. When he said points two and three, I decided that cash doesn’t discriminate and helps with privacy. I got a bank account in the twelfth grade because of my summer job. The most I had was a cash app, but I didn’t even use it often. My mom would give me cash because I didn’t have a bank account and needed a card to add to my cash app. It provides privacy because my mom sometimes asked me why I was wasting food in one day. She wouldn’t know how much I spent on food if I still used cash. I used to have spending problems. I would use all my lunch money in the first few days. I only learned to stop by leaving my money at home and taking the right amount.

I chose this source because Stephanie Jordan joined the team at Logicpath, the leading provider of analytics and software to banks and retailers, to foster the company’s ongoing expansion. Jordan graduated from Kennesaw State University. Previously, she oversaw editorial materials and created content for the Disney Parks Blog while working on the public relations team for Disney Cruise Line. With a background in public relations, marketing, and other business endeavors, Jordan has created and written material for various communication needs. When I think about my question, this writing fits right into what I searched for. My searching skills wouldn’t be so good if it weren’t. Another question is how many years before the way of physical cash is changed?




“A world without money | Jade Saab | TEDxUniversityofEdinburgh.” YouTube, uploaded by TEDx Talks, 19 March 2018, youtu.be/EKCTiwK1iF0?si=AbaGDwmR4gspiDMe.

After watching A World Without Money Ted Talk by Jade Saab, I learned that ( If an Idea of a World without money is extreme, then what words would you use to describe a world with money) Is your Relationship with Money positive, or do you think about how much more do you need to achieve your goals. We make sacrifices that even make us unhappy if it means money. We should feel our job as a passion, like doing work for charity; we do it because we understand we belong to a society. Inventions did not invent for money; they did it to advance society. A world without money would not mean work stops, but the purpose of working changes. The TED talk by Jade Saab aims to explain the true meaning of money and how it affects how we work. It was made for working people. I Choose the source because he is currently working on getting his Ph.D. in ideology and the process of socialist revolutions. He is studying systems of ideas based on economic or political theory and policy. He has been writing from a young age. He is also well respected for his thoughts, leading him to be on many TED talks.

“davidmeltzer on TikTok” TikTok, www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8kH1fWB/. Accessed 24 Oct. 2023.


After watching a short thirty-second clip on TikTok, David Meltzer and his guest talk about how money doesn’t buy you happiness but allows you to shop. And a lack of money is a passport to mistake. It wouldn’t make you happier, but without it, it can cause more stress, Divorce, and Early death. The purpose of the post was to motivate Everyone. I agree because a new kid is born, and his parents aren’t financially stable. It will cause them problems, and he might have problems later in life because he wasn’t given the edge others had with money. I chose this source because David Meltzer is a Speaker, Author, and Entrepreneur. His life’s work is to enable the happiness of over one billion people! This straightforward, practical goal has driven his incredible journey: delivering value. That’s precisely what all of his messages and content will give you. I have no other questions.

Homework 10/17


After watching A World Without Money Ted Talk by Jade Saab, I learned that ( If an Idea of a World without money is extreme, then what words would you use to describe a world with money) Is your Relationship with Money positive, or do you think about how much more do you need to achieve your goals. We make sacrifices that even make us unhappy if it means money. We should feel our job as a passion, like doing work for charity; we do it because we understand we belong to a society. Inventions did not invent for money; they did it to advance society. A world without money would not mean work stops, but the purpose of working changes.

Homework 10/12

Every day, we buy things regardless of physical cash or electronically. Without money, you wouldn’t be able to live. When you go to work, you work to earn money; the money then turns into groceries, pay your bills, or even treat yourself to something nice. If you weren’t getting paid to work, no one would work. If no one worked, there would be no more; there wouldn’t even be a company. What is the role of cash in today’s society? Is it as important as it once was? This Question always interested me from a young because when I was younger, I thought candy was the most important thing until I got introduced to money, which allowed me to get more candy. I used to calculate how much money I needed to get my sunflower seeds, candy, drink, and a sandwich. Ipl was like in the 5th grade; this helped me learn math. I used to get twenty dollars around that time, and I used to think I would have forty if I had twenty dollars worth of candy. I never did it because I knew I needed the money for food besides candy. After doing my research, I expect to find how money is vital in day-to-day life, how it’s a backbone of our economy, and how the value of it increases. If my findings aren’t what I expected, I will continue reading and put them in my work because no topic is one-sided, and everyone has their own opinion. If it has points to prove it, then it’s good. If there weren’t more than two sides to an argument, everyone is the same and whipped. That’s like Debating over something important, and there is no one to disagree with you; how will the listeners know you aren’t correct if they don’t hear the other side?
Money, Pyshical Money, Electronic money, cash, etc
Khiaonarong, Tanai, and David Humphrey. “Falling Use of Cash and Demand for Retail Central Bank Digital Currency.” IMF, 4 Feb. 2022, www.imf.org/en/Publications/WP/Issues/2022/02/04/Falling-Use-of-Cash-and-Demand-for-Retail-Central-Bank-Digital-Currency-512766.
After reading my first Source, I learned that even during COVID, they wanted to stop accepting money, but they couldn’t because it was nineteen percent of all transactions. Some people like cash because it gives them a sense of privacy, or maybe they don’t have a bank account. Taking away Physical cash wouldn’t be good. If technology shuts down, we must return to cash because that’s the only way. You also pay more money using your card than cash because they charge you a fee.

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