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Author: Brian Tenecela (Page 2 of 7)

Homework 11/7 – Brian Tenecela

  • The platform I would like to publish in is the New York Times
  • The New York Times is a well-known article source page holding various articles, topics, and media ranging from everything that is going on in the world
  • The New York Times articles that are published daily by several different authors just showcase that the intended audience happens to be those who choose to read about that topic. Hence, the New York Times is so diverse.
  • The pieces usually are well-sophisticated with information on that topic and what the attitude towards it is. The articles can range from several pages or a short amount of paragraphs.
  • The tone of the numerous articles varies especially when they deal with certain topics, especially those of politics or global issues they are in a more serious manner than one of like a dispute.
  • The diction that is more often used is that of a formal one since the New York Times is a well-thought-professional source and hence upholds its standards to having every article follow that outline
  • The authors who write the articles include information from outside sources and even people who were witnesses of such events. They do this by properly crediting their sources/findings. They make sure they are adding evidence/information relevant to their topic of matter making sure of its credibility and proficiency.
  • Indeed majority of the New York Times articles are in black and white text however some authors do add colorful images on the matter of the topic to better inform the reader through a visual.
  • I believe that this would be a great place to reach out to my intended audience since my writing involves academic students, the New York Times is a great place where alot of research and students go to for articles/papers.

– Brian Tenecela

Homework 11/2/23 – Brian Tenecela

College is a diverse place filled with opportunities for those who choose to pursue it. It is significantly important to stay away from procrastination over your class assignments and material or it will end up hurting you in the long run. My writing proposal is intended to reach out to those who are entering college as a first-year student and are curious as to the tricks/methods that will better set them up for success through their first college year and henceforth continuously after in the following years to come. The genre I plan to use is a personal essay. The reason I chose to use a personal essay is because I would like to say I have lived up to what my writing proposal is about. Therefore, the credibility and personal sharing of ideas/experiences that I will share throughout my personal essay will indeed capture the interest of my audience and provide them with that helpful information.  My plan of approach to the Unit 3 writing will be to first manage and give myself some deadlines for little parts of the writing then simply complete it as a whole in one day.  I also plan to start by picking out the sources that I will be using to further back up my points/experiences and of course doing the adequate MLA citation. My approach to the Unit 3 writing will be that of a step-by-step with designated deadlines set for myself in order to complete it as a whole. One concern I am worried about is whether this will be a greater writing piece than the previous writings to conclude the semester with, an overall end-of-year portfolio.

– Brian Tenecela

Homework 10/26/23 – Brian Tenecela

This is how I feel the project is going so far, it is going very well since I have all my three sources and I think they are very valid sources that aid in my research project by containing various information on my research statement. The problem I am having or working to fix is to have a clearer and overall better sandwich for all my sources. I think re-reading and better organizing the details has helped significantly in solving the problem I am having.  I am proud that I have gotten this far with my annotated bibliography but as I said before I want it to be a very solid one with strong and relevant detail from my research.


– Brian Tenecela

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