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Author: Brian Brown (Page 6 of 8)

Reflection after Rereading “Later”

Re-reading “Later” I realized nothing new but it gave a little more clarity on what Surowiecki meaning of procrastination is to him. Procrastination is a physiological thing humans go through when there’s  pleasure of doing something  instead of doing something that’s boring and a waste of time. When important due dates come up for things to be done we tend to push it back knowing it’s important but when the due date comes up it’s done last minute or done late. Surowiecki argues that procrastination is a universal phenomenon that affects individuals across various cultures and professions.

Worldwide humans tend to procrastinate most of the time and this can bring problems worldwide. Having awareness of your procrastination is the first steps, Surowiecki advises readers to recognize their procrastination tendencies and take steps to bridge the gap between their present and future selves. With endless distractions at our fingertips, it’s easier than ever to succumb to procrastination. The author suggests that understanding the psychological underpinnings of procrastination can help individuals develop strategies to overcome it. This might involve setting clear goals, breaking tasks into smaller, more manageable steps, and using techniques like the Pomodoro technique to stay focused and productive.

Surowiecki offers valuable insights into the nature of procrastination and provides practical advice for overcoming this common human tendency. It serves as a reminder that we all struggle with procrastination at times, but with self-awareness and effective strategies, we can better align our present actions with our long-term goals.

Re-reading Plan

I am going to re-read sections and take it in; applying it to my life. Actually sit down and take in every word to fully understand  what it happening in the text. The reason I’m going to re-read it this way because of me procrastinating and just skimming through the text I didn’t really ready to get the whole story.


After reading Later by James Surowiecki it made me analyze myself even deeper. And knowing for sure I’m a huge procrastinator, which is a huge step in fixing it just by acknowledging it’s a problem for yourself. Writing this paper late is a prime  example of me being a procrastinator. Surowiecki talks about how a person knows they have to get something important done but tend to but their time into something that’s more pleasing or fun. He explains part of being a procrastinator is “ignorance”, which leads to an idea Surowiecki connected “planning fallacy” is what human being may do. We may think everything will be fine and slack off what needs to be done , but have no clue in the future that may lead you to more lost time to finish whatever needed to be done. Students & my self tend to section assignments that would be easier to finish and put the assignments thats “harder” for later. Overthinking correlates to procrastination that we may think an assignment may be done wrong and with this thought you might not want to do it at all. Me personally when an assignment that i felt was to time consuming i would push it back until I really feel motivated to do it. Now in college I know no one is going to hold your hand or stay on top of you o make sure you do your work ; like I mean your paying for school you got to stay locked in or it’ll be a waste of money. Surowiecki added this phrase from a philosopher Mark Kingswell “ Procrastinators most often arises from a sense that there is to much to do, and hence no single aspect of the to-do worth doing” this is such a true statement and feel like I have to break out of this mindset.

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