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Author: Brian Brown (Page 4 of 8)


Why do people take drugs knowing it’s bad for them ? This question came to me so gradually due to the environment I live in and in black communities there’s homeless people I see taking drugs and adolescents my age taking drugs. So, now that I have done my research taking drugs as a human is used to have a temporary sensational feeling and people use it to astray from whatever issues that is goin on in their lives. Drugs in today’s society is promoted worldwide from big influencers, which create this okay mindset to take drugs especially at minor ages. I seen the physiological effect drugs can have on a person if they don’t have strong will power inside themselves to keep themselves balance and not into a drug addict if you are gonna take drugs. It’s surprising how profound drugs is used but when it comes to helping people with their drug addiction it’s not spoken about more. I’ve learned that this world is more attentive to wrong things instead of the things that are really important.

Final Source Entry

“Teen Subsatnce Use &A use(Alcohol, Tobacco, Vaping, Marijuana, and More)”. YouTube, uploaded by Oasis Mental Health Applications, 28 April 2020, https://youtu.be/wQl_4kcE5nw?si=DNrVBJkCTOLA1Cnx.


The video with visual context of teens using drugs explaining what can go wrong  being “down” with your friends. This can lead to the influence of substance use and in the video one of teens named Jeremy taken a different drug from a friend not knowing it’s not  marijuana but it’s K2 a synthetic weed that cause him to lose memory. The way he acted told by his friends caused him to have this unwanted popularity and stop smoking marijuana. At the end it’s told don’t take drugs you don’t know about and not prescribed to you, also casual drug use can lead to bad drug use problems.

Rhetorical Analysis

The YouTube channel for their video uses animations to convey the topic of hoe bad drug use is bad especially within teens.  The art style is fascinating and kid-friendly, using fast paced transitions all throughout the video. We don’t know who’s the narrator for the video but by the voice it’s a women that speaks in a good informational discovery type documentary voice . It’s really quick and short, but definitely helps you have a grasp just for the basic understanding on substance use. Starting from 0:30 to 1:03 it emphasizes on the fact that drugs can lead to negative side effects . With this example it can sort of scare the audience making them afraid to even take drugs anymore and teaches that even your own friend can slip you something without your knowledge. At 1:08 the kid understood the negative side effect and made not want to take any drugs and peer pressure or even trying to fit in, which  teens these days having that mindset leads to chronic substance use. It’s content from a team of people researching but with this video it doesn’t actually tell the vile effects from these drugs doing to a child’s brain .

Second Source Entry

Criminal Justice DrugFacts. “The Science of Drug Use: A Resource for the Justice Sector.” National Institute on Drug Abuse, https://nida.nih.gov/research-topics/criminal-justice/science-drug-use-resource-justice-sector. November 23,2022.


The resource covers various aspects of drug use, including the neurobiology of addiction, the impact of different drugs on the brain and behavior, the development of tolerance and withdrawal, and the factors that contribute to addiction. It also delves into the public health approach to drug use, emphasizing harm reduction strategies and alternative sentencing models. Moreover, the guide discusses the latest research findings on the effectiveness of treatment and rehabilitation programs, diversion programs, and the implications of drug policy on the justice system.

Rehtorical Analysis

This website is used to give key facts on what different drugs do to a person and the side effects if a person try’s to withdrawal from the constant use. It goes in depth on how a person who’s an drug addict haves’ “triggers that remind them about their drug use… unless you take action to avoid your triggers”(Criminal Justice). With this in mind us as friends to people that have a drug problem can help in ways to prevent these triggers. And the fact this is for the Criminal justice it can be a crucial resource for them to drive strategic drug addiction treatment. Starting drug use can start from a young age where they “ are curious because others are doing it and they want to fit in. The last reason is very common among teens”(Criminal Justice). There is multiple points on what can lead to the use of drugs


  • Trouble at home. If your home is an unhappy place, or was when you were growing up, you might be more likely to have a drug problem. When kids aren’t well cared for, or there are lots of fights, or a parent is using drugs, the chance of addiction goes up.
  • Mental health problems. People who have untreated mental health problems, such as depression or anxiety, or untreated attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are more likely to become addicted. They might use drugs to try to feel better.
  • Trouble in school, trouble at work, trouble with making friends. Failures at school or work, or trouble getting along with people, can make life hard. You might use drugs to get your mind off these problems.
  • Hanging around other people who use drugs. Friends or family members who use drugs might get you into trouble with drugs as well.
  • Starting drug use when you’re young. When kids or teens use drugs, it affects how their bodies and brains finish growing. Using drugs when you’re young increases your chances of becoming addicted when you’re an adult.
  • Your biology. Everyone’s bodies react to drugs differently. Some people like the feeling the first time they try a drug and want more. Other people hate how it feels and never try it again. Scientists don’t have a test yet that will predict how each person will react”(Criminal Justice).

At the end prominent information is given if help is need and will be a long road for drug addiction, so this doesn’t happen I and the source suggest not to take drugs at all.

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