A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: Brian Brown (Page 2 of 8)

11/4 In Class Writing

When it comes to humans consuming drugs they tend to get “hooked” on with a sensational feeling they desire to feel, so  “Their emotional systems are now concentrated on drug-seeking rather than survival”(Saah 4). Revealing this information we show how drugs can  have a bad effect on you, which leads to me saying if you do take drugs you take at your own risk,


  •  I will put my work on WordPress a popular platform where people with their own thoughts & designs in a blog post.
  • Each section with a detail paragraph of the drugs most commonly used in today’s society with a survey pop-up if they’re interested in taking drugs and why
  • People who are curious in taking drugs because I fell like people who do drums aren’t going to read this but the people who are curious and want to know the information of what their about to take. The people who don’t do drugs or even curious about it aren’t relevant
  • paragraphs will be 150-200 words telling the specific information
  • the tone is sympathetic and informational
  •  casual
  • Data from the surveys and information on the drugs
  • The visual will be images of the different type of drugs with black and white text under them. Images people doin the specific drug
  • I think this will be a good publication because it directly connects to my annotated bibliography on drugs having effects on people

Reflection 11/2(Proposal)

I want to captivate an audience that are curious of drugs and/or want to take them at an caution. I want to teach my audience going down this road everyone is different it may do good to some and bad to others, but this is also to teach  them the effects these drugs could have on an human being. I pick a blog with youtube video clips with a section for each and every drug that’s popularly used. With this I can have people understand the facts of each drug and if they want to use a survey will pop-up asking if the person is curious of using drugs. Then data is collected of who is curious and who is not; we can determine a way to help the urge of taking drugs and actually doing something productive with one’s life. My first step is to write an intro and the question I had or connected to my reasearch. Then everyday write a section of the drugs most commmonly used with a Survey pop up for each. Lastly, tell them what to consider and help people make the best decision for their lives. This project I’m really going to be on  myself to make sure i don’t be last minute and procrastinate. Imma dedicate this to getting better a procrastination.


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