The educative narrative genre is a genre for me as a writer to explain how I understand the education system from the expierences I’ve went through. All the texts we’ve read “How to Read Like a Writer” by Mike Bunn, “Maybe I Could Save Myself By Writing” and “The Fourth of July” have taught me how to use word choice, certain techniques, and how to include your expierences to connect with your reader. I want to start off with how I performed in the Uncommon Schools academia since middle school to the end of high school being 8 years. The education process is to get us to college and they did can’t lie. When I write my educative narrative genre I want the readers to understand my thought process and connect if they can which I believe they will. I wonder if the way i put things together will it make sense to the readers, I want my work tk criticized for me to become a better writer. As me skipping a grade this made me more advance for my reality and being the youngest in the class coming into middle school it was scary, but later on things seemed normal. I excelled in my class but I tend to get in trouble with the behavioral system that was stored like minus 1 or 3 demerits, or even autos if it was something really bad. Then had merits if you do good. I felt like it was placed to mold us to be like robots, but also did teach us values of when and where to do things. And it went all the way up to freshman year. Until quarantine hit…