A City Tech OpenLab Course Site


My name is Britney, I feel optimistic about this class. I am a freshman student at City Tech and I can’t wait to learn or be challenged (in a good way) by any coursework.

I used to be the biggest procrastinator but I’ve managed to reduce the habit since I noticed it was affecting me academically and emotionally, though I still need to practice to avoid being a procrastinator for this fall semester. However, to avoid it I have mastered to set priorities as well as setting a schedule that is designed to have time for myself and reducing my time hanging out just to study at home.

The readings and videos were quite helpful, however, I’ll be honest at first the video about the concept of Bloom’s Taxonomy of cognition was a bit overwhelming and challenging to grasp. After I spent some time doing some research and seeing how it can be applied to my subjects, I depicted it as a less stressful concept and I can sort of see how I would also use this concept in the future. The transition from high school to college is not in fact easy but adapting using new methods that work for me will allow me to be less overwhelmed as well as ditching the procrastination.

I took this picture near a lake in a small town in MA where I went to visit some of my family and spend time surrounded by nature since I’m not a big fan of the city though I was born in raised in NYC I just like to have a break from the city each summer. The picture means a lot to me because it reminds me how much I enjoy being in a suburban setting and how different my life would be just by living in a small town compared to being in the city for your entire life.                                          

1 Comment

  1. Annie Wang

    Such a beautiful picture, Britney! Thank you so much for this thoughtful post. I’m impressed by your practical approaches to combat procrastination; these skills will serve you well in college and beyond. I’m looking forward to working together this semester.

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