NOTE: There is homework assigned for each day of class and in-class writing assignments that go towards your low-stakes writing grade. All assignments will be posted on OpenLab.
Below is a high-level overview of the homework that is due each day.
Make sure you check “Homework and Announcements” for the most detailed homework assignment!
Class # | Class day | Homework that is due |
1 | Tues Aug 29 | "Join” our OpenLab course. "Join” Perusall READ/ WATCH: and |
2 | Thurs Aug 31 | WRITE: Go back and edit your OpenLab intro post if you didn’t finish during class time. READ AND ANNOTATE: “How to Read Like a Writer” by Mike Bunn on Perusall WRITE: Write a post of at least 300 words discussing the following questions. In his article, Mike Bunn writes “You are already an author.” He’s talking to you. What do you think he means by this? What are some of the things you write already? (Hint: “Nothing” is not an acceptable answer.) Think of all of the ways you already use words in your everyday life. That’s authorship! How will that existing expertise help you in your college reading and writing career? Was there anything you noticed in Bunn’s article that you would like to try to do in your own writing? What, in particular? Please be specific! |
3 | Tues Sept 5 | READ AND ANNOTATE : “Maybe I Could Save Myself by Writing” on Perusall READ AND ANNOTATE: “The Fourth of July” by Audre Lorde on Perusall WRITE: (250 Words) So far in this unit, we have read (and heard) three examples from the genre of the “education narrative.” Your first essay assignment in this class will be to write in this genre yourself. So in this discussion forum, I’d like us to have a conversation about what the features of this genre are. Please discuss some of the following: What, from what you’ve seen so far, are the “ingredients” (also known as “conventions”) of the education narrative genre? What do you think might be a place to get started with your own education narrative? What are your questions or concerns about writing an education narrative of your own? If you like, you can also feel free to share an educational experience you had and ask for feedback from your colleagues (and me) to see if we think that might be a solid place to begin writing. |
4 | Thurs Sept 7 | THINK: Think of one specific incident that changed your views on education. Picture the scene REVIEW : Please review the slideshow we watched in class about what paragraphs are. You can find it at WRITE: a blog post of at least two distinct paragraphs describing one specific incident that changed your views on education using Concrete, Significant detail. The incident you described in class will be a great place to start. |
5 | Tues Sept 12 | WRITE: Revise the scene you wrote in class and post it to OpenLab. Pay attention to your paragraphs! READ / ANNOTATE: "Shitty First Drafts" by Anne Lamott on Perusall |
6 | Thurs Sept 14 | WRITE: A Less Shitty First Draft of UNIT ONE. At least 650 words. Pay attention to your paragraphs! Remember that you can use anything we have already written in this unit if you want. All low-stakes assignments are to help you write the major papers! WRITE: You have two options (pick one!) 1. Write me an email asking a question about Unit 1. This can be a question you have about the assignment or about your essay in particular or 2. Write me an email explaining to me how your essay is going. |
7 | Tues Sept 19 | WRITE: Finish Unit One! (1000 words minimum). Bring 2 printed copies to class. |
8 | Thurs Sept 21 | READ and ANNOTATE: “Later” (in the Later Library on the Procrastination Station– WRITE: After reading and annotating “Later,” write an Open Lab post of approximately 300 words in which you reflect upon the article. What, particularly, did you find confusing, irritating, boring or otherwise difficult? BE SPECIFIC. Quote from the text directly and explain WHY you found it confusing boring, etc. Dig deeply! Don't forget to continue revising your Unit 1 essay. |
9 | Tues Sept 26 LIBRARY SESSION | REREAD and ANNOTATE: “Later” WRITE: Using your plan for re-reading as a guide, re-read (and annotate in a different color than the first time) “Later.” When you’re done, write an Open Lab post of approximately 300 words about what you learned from rereading. Again, be specific, quoting from the text! Don't forget to continue revising your Unit 1 essay. |
10 | Thurs Sept 28 | UNIT 1 ESSAY DUE. Email as a Word or PDF to Prof. Annie. |
11 | Tues Oct 3 | READ AND ANNOTATE: “Research Starts with a Thesis Statement” on Perusall READ AND ANNOTATE: “Schools are Killing Curiosity” on Perusall WRITE: Blog Post (at least 300 words): What is something you were interested in when you were a kid? Are you still interested in that topic? How did asking questions help you learn more about that topic? If so, how has your curiosity changed and grown over the years? And what role did the educational system play in your curiosity (good or bad)? If you are not interested in this topic anymore, what do you think happened to that interest? Do you remember the specific time you LOST interest? What did you become interested in instead (and why?) THINK: Start thinking about a topic you are interested in, something you might want to know more about. This can be something heavy, like police brutality, or it can be something that seems on the surface more light-hearted, like ballet. The only criteria is that you are actually curious about it. This may seem like strange advice, but it can be helpful to go for a walk and think about topics you’d like to write about. Come home and jot down a few notes. By next class you will be expected to have some idea of a topic you’d like to research, even if it’s a bit vague. |
12 | Thurs Oct 5 | WRITE: Write a blog post (at least 300 words) in which you introduce your research question. You may find your topic anywhere! YOU MUST GET YOUR TOPIC APPROVED BY ME. Write it in question form (it can’t be a yes-or-no question, though) You must cover all of the questions in bold: ● Why are you interested in this question? ● What do you expect to find in your research? (Why do you expect to find this?) |
Tues Oct 10 | NO CLASS - Monday schedule | |
13 | Thurs Oct 12 | RESEARCH: With your revised research question, start your research! Spend some time finding good search terms. Pick at least two sources you'd like to get started with. WRITE: Write a blog post which includes: - Your revised research question - the search terms that you landed on - The bibliographic citations (MLA format) for the two sources you think you'd like to start with (it's okay if this changes later!) - Start your first source entry! Pick one of the sources and write a summary. Refer back to the RAB roadmap to see what the summary needs to include. Bring any source material to class, as you will finish writing your first source entry during class. |
14 | Tues Oct 17 | READ AND ANNOTATE: Graff & Birkenstein, “Chapter 3: As He Himself Puts It - The Art of Quoting” on Perusall WRITE: Your second “Source Entry” Draft. Post on website. Try to include all five steps of the IQIAA method for at least one quotation. Review the report templates on and select a couple that you like. |
15 | Thurs Oct 19 | WRITE: Final Source entry |
16 | Tues Oct 24 | WRITE: A conclusion for your RAB. Compile your full RAB and print it out to bring to class for peer review. |
17 | Thurs Oct 26 | WRITE: Revise your RAB based on your peer review. WRITE: Post a quick note on OpenLab to reflect on the following: This is how I feel about the project so far: how I think it’s going, what problems I’m having, what I think is working, and what I think I need help with, what I’m proud of, etc. |
18 | Tues Oct 31 | Unit 2 RAB due. Revise your RAB based on peer review and your self-grading. |
19 | Thurs Nov 2 | Now it’s time to think about what genre you think will best reach your audience! WRITE: You will need to write a proposal of at least 200 words outlining what you plan to do for Unit 3. Post to website. This proposal should tell us: ● A 1-2 sentence statement of what you want to teach your audience (the most important thing you learned in Unit 2) ● The audience you are trying to reach ● The genre you are planning to write in and why you chose it ● A plan -- how do you intend to get started? What will be your FIRST STEP? ● Anything you might be worried about. What are your concerns about finishing this project? |
20 | Tues Nov 7 | READ and ANNOTATE: “Annoying Ways People Use Sources” by Kyle Stedman on Perusall WRITE: 1. (approx 150 words) What did you learn from reading this? Anything new? What questions or comments do you have on how to use sources? 2. (150-200 words) Write a paragraph for your intended audience for Unit 3 using one of your “quotables” from Unit 2 in that paragraph. FINISH: Finish the “Know Your Publication” Questions we started in class for the publication YOU would like to publish in. |
21 | Thurs Nov 9 | FINISH: Post your workplan for Unit 3 - New Genre piece. What are your goals for working/ thinking/ brainstorming/ gathering material? Write out a schedule. |
22 | Tues Nov 14 | Keep to your plan for Unit 3! |
23 | Thurs Nov 16 | WORK: Continue to work on your Unit 3 Plan WRITE: Rough Draft of Artist Statement |
24 | Tues Nov 21 | DUE: Finish Unit Three Projects! Bring your final project to class. |
Thurs Nov 24 | NO CLASS - Thanksgiving | |
25 | Tues Nov 28 | Write a S*&^ty First Draft of your Final Reflection, using your response to the “Time Capsule” from Week One as a starting point. Make sure to review the Final Portfolio Reflection sheet: |
26 | Thurs Nov 30 | READ: Student essay 1 (I use anonymous student samples) WRITE: What do you think this student is doing especially well that you’d like to do in your own writing? Where would you like to hear more? Where are you confused? Any further suggestions for revision? WRITE: A plan for revising Essay One or Two. Revision Due Day 29. |
27 | Tues Dec 5 | READ: Anonymous student essays 2 WRITE: What do you think this student is doing especially well that you’d like to do in your own writing? Where would you like to hear more? Where are you confused? Any further suggestions for revision? |
28 | Thurs Dec 7 | First Revision Due– either essay one or two Please bring in your previous draft with professor comments. |
Tues Dec 12 | NO CLASS – Reading Day | |
29 | Thurs Dec 14 | Continue to work on and revise your final portfolio. |
30 | Tues Dec 19 | Submit final portfolio. Refer to OpenLab for details. |
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