My current research question is, what effects might socialist ideologies have on our government? Considered to be the new left wants to ensure “economic equality” between the privileged and the disadvantaged. To most, this sounds promising. However, in the past, this ideology has brought a lot of economic concerns overseas, resulting in foreigners fleeing from corrupted nations that were influenced by this ideology. In order to have a running (growing) and strong economy, workers and consumers play an essential role. Back to the socialist ideology, in a YouTube video, there is an overview of the two most prominent leaders, Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro, who had a dream to put an end to poverty but resulted in a much worse economic state. Real-life testimonies expressed regret and a warning to other nations that want to follow a similar path — a similar ideology. Taking from the rich and giving it to the poor resulted in Venezuela’s struggling with high inflation; from Hugo Chavez’s action of taking private businesses, people believed he was holding social injustice accountable, but the consequence was the shortage of resources. But could this failed outcome be associated with the new wave of immigrants?