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Is after life real ? I’ve  always wondered since I was little , do I come back alive when I die ? I’ve always hoped to be granted with a new body when death arrives. I know how it sounds , a little crazy to some people . I kinda think outside the box on this topic. My guess on after life would be , if one person does good things and meets certain requirements in life you will be granted with another. As well as , if you have done terrible things in one of your past lives you will have a chance to redeem yourself in the next. Many religious people have their own god they worship and believe after life is the real deal . Many people repent their sins , asking their god for forgiveness. I am interested in this question because many do believe in after life and many don’t. I do believe in after life for many reasons. One day my mom went to those card reader’s or fortune teller people , call it whatever you want. As my mother went , my name was brought up and the card reader would bring up me and my siblings personal traits. Specifically the card reader said I had traits of being very strong minded , to be very fierce at times , but very hardheaded at the same time. I would say that fits the description very good.  What caught my attention the most is when the card reader said I had these same traits in my previous lives. The person was informing that I have had previous lives which lead me further to my question. Is after life real? In my research I expect to find personal experiences where people have been presumed as dead but come back alive minutes later. I expect to find many cases like this because I believe it has happened before. Many people talk about seeing a glimpse of heaven or hell. So I expect to find a lot of experiences just like this.

1 Comment

  1. Annie Wang

    Daniel, I love this topic, as it is inherently about the unknowable. I think your research will yield a number of interesting questions and situations. Your question as it’s currently phrased implies a yes or no answer (although I know it’s not that straightforward). Given the types of things you want to read more about, how could you rephrase your question so that the direction is more targeted, and its answer more open-ended? What specifically about the afterlife do you want to know more about? Is is how different religions have interpreted this question, or do you want to find commonalities and differences across different people’s experiences, or are you curious to see how academic research has approached questions of the afterlife? So many avenues to consider!

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