For my research, the primary motivator is to broaden the different perspectives to be more informative and help understand why people have formed their own opinions on abortions. While explaining my point I will also be inclusive of what others have said in contrast. By the end of my paper, I’d like the reader to be able to form their perspective using facts and possibly empathy for why others may feel a different way than their own. In my personal opinion, I don’t believe abortions should be illegal, They are not just an “easy way out”, they have reinforced so many lives and futures more healthily. Pregnancy and motherhood is a whole different journey in life and not everybody is ready or willing and that’s okay. Many may argue that even if you’re not ready you can give the child up for adoption or to other parents who are unfortunately infertile. There are resources for such situations, but why should resources for woman who want to abort their creation be criminalized? Nobody should be penalized for making a personal decision for their body, their creation, and the tone for the rest of their lives. It is also normal nowadays to see mothers often getting bashed for the ways they have made work to help with the needs to maintain their child but if they just waited for help they would be frowned upon for “expecting handouts” and not hustling for the child. I don’t believe you should spend such a short lifetime in insufferable circumstances just because you weren’t allowed to terminate a pregnancy and lifestyle you just didn’t want or weren’t ready to experience yet. Abortion is a heavy topic and I am excited to research the reason why certain opinions on abortions are based on different people. I have been reading articles about abortion through online articles, a variety of Youtube videos, and social media posts regarding abortion. It’s interesting to see the difference in opinion and thoughts.
gabriella leon