In my adolescent years I was in love with dinosaurs and scientists. This kid named Isaiah was in love with dinosaurs more than me he helped me gravitate more to it; he was really a genius when it came to dinosaurs. And the scientists finding fossils on the extinct dinosaurs was even cooler  which is called a Paleontologist. However, that wasn’t the only scientist I wanted to be I also wanted to be a Marine biologist because I love the water so much and the marine life love it as much or maybe even more than I do there’s an connection. Where I wanted to help stop humans polluting the ocean destroying marine environments and killing or even extincting sea life. Which this thought in my head my occupation was now to be switched to a Zoologist what influenced my liking toward this occupation because of the love for animals I have, specifically I really loved kangaroos for some reason with their human like actions, the way they hop around, and my favorite the way they fight humans like there boxing. Now in my life it’s not there anymore and I feel like that because my curiosity went down when my middle school enforced their behavioral system where I felt like a robot only to sit, listen, and do the work given to me.Thinking about how long school was gonna be for being those type of scientists and the way middle school was making me feel I wasn’t as interested in it then I was during elementary school. Now I’m interested in getting my associates degree for Electrical Engineering Technology because I’m on this mindset that I want something that’s gonna make me financially stable and where school isn’t overbearing with all them years. This major I choose because I see it deeper than just it’s name it could really change the way you think and observe things critically; we all know this world is gonna continue making homes, buildings, and other electronics, so being a electrician would be a strategic move for my life. I wanna have generational wealth.