As a kid cars has always piqued my interest as well as cartoons those were my hobbies. I was surrounded by mechanics and people who love cars and that’s how my passion grew.  asking questions made my curiosity grow more as well as my love for cars.  With my uncle as a mechanic i have always asked questions and I tried to fix a car as a young kid as well as driving. I have been driving for years and working on cars that I cant see my future without being involved in some way.  the education system has not killed my love for cars I don’t think anything can. But it did not support it. in my schools they have always pushed the idea of a job in a big company and sitting behind a desk. talking about automotive things would lead to me being ignorant. I feel like it isn’t the focus of schools and trade school was a big option but schools portray the idea that trade school is for dumb people or dropouts when it’s not really that at all. becoming a mechanic and getting a hands-on jib it’s like it was never any of the cards when it came to careers but im sticking true to my passion. if there isn’t a rich millionaire hands on worker then I’m going to be the first. the idea of people pushing certain ideals on you never stuck to me. a topic i would like to know more about that has gotten my interest is the corruption of America. and how bad the system is manipulating us and our minds into killing each other etc.  and the corrupt companies and methods of people. for example, rigging benches to where homeless can’t sleep. companies build spikes on the floor so homeless people won’t sleep there, but they can build houses and affordable living. it isn’t fair at all and justice needs to be done. these rich business and billionaires benefit off the poor’s suffering and we see it as normal.