As I reread the article I found it easier because I had a few words defined that I hadn’t known the first time reading it. I got used to using the context clues as well instead of just finding google definitions and actually trying to challenge myself to figure out the meanings. This time around I focused more on specific places where I got lost during the reading and tried to dissect that specific area. One of the specific places that I got distracted the most was when he talked about the movie titles. At first I was more focused on being able to identify those movies and realizing that I knew some of them instead of actually focusing on the story that the author was trying to tell. The author used these examples of watching a more comedic movie in earlier dates and then watching more serious movies at a later date to show how procrastination works in many ways. By leaving a movie for later you are more inclined to find a funnier and more comedic movie in the time period in between and may not even remember to watch the more serious movie when you were supposed to. This experiment goes to show that our preferences aren’t going to be the same over a period of time. As I reread this specific part I focused more on the overall message instead of focusing on bits and pieces and in the end it actually made sense in my head what the author was trying to say in that specific place in the passage. One of the main things that also helped me this time around was printing and highlighting my own copy so that I could mark all the places that I found confusing in order to dissect it throughout the passage.