After reading “Later” by James Surowiecki, I didn’t find the article very interesting. The overall article was simply just boring and very confusing, it uses a lot of examples and I feel like all the examples overlook the point, like on page five he goes into detail about an experiment saying “In the first stage, people are offered the choice between a hundred dollars today or a hundred and ten dollars tomorrow;” and goes on about how some of the people preferred to wait while others didn’t, this example was not needed especially because he doesn’t directly relate this to procrastination after that he goes on to other example of another experiment about movies and Netflix… which definitely wasn’t needed. All the unnecessary examples were making me even more confused than I already was while reading. The article also was jumping around a lot, so it felt disorganized, like on page seven he starts talking about taking his car into the shop and one of his family members being sick, “when I was writing this piece, for instance, I had to take my car into the shop, I had to take two unanticipated trips, a family member fell ill…” then goes into another story about someone he knows “A magazine editor I know, for instance, once had a writer tell her at noon on a Wednesday that the time-sensitive piece he was working on would be in her in-box by the time she got back from lunch.” And after a story about a general in the army. All on that one page! In summary, the article is not one that I would like to read again, there were too many examples, a lot of which were confusing, boring, and unrelated topics which distracted me from the main topic of procrastination.