A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

it feels like yesterday where I was going through all the hardships in high school and the education system seemed like a joke. It was a cold winter day where I had my hoodie on and got yelled at for having the hoodie on (the hood wasn’t on), and I was already fed up with the school. I had not slept at all since I got home from work very late then had to do my homework. the halls were quiet and as I entered my room the teacher was already mad at the class. I got pretty used to failing all my assignments I had no motivation. for me to work harder than I already did felt like watering a dead plant. I did not want to do anything about it.  Feeling like you aren’t meant for learning is a convincing feeling because I genuinely felt like I was meant for anything but school and college. school felt like a prison we were there all day then went home to do homework or straight to work. It’s like being a pawn to your teachers. Thats why I never liked the idea of uniforms or so much homework.

Then came a better side to school. where a teacher who didn’t care what I wore or what I said. someone who keeps it real and knows the hardships of working and school. Mr. fletcher a teacher who made history fun. I never liked history I still don’t unless it’s from him. I used to enjoy writing essays for his class and fix it after class and laughing about it.  A teacher who understands the student and doesn’t give up on them is the best type of teacher. I felt like I belonged in that class. I went to school happy to be in his class. that room with a big ac and you sit on the heater by the windows. that’s the one room inside of a school located in the projects that I felt like I didn’t have to keep my guard up. it was the room where I didn’t feel like I was in a jail cell being used so the teacher can get a check and the school get money. and surrounding myself with good friends made it much better. people I consider family. the teacher who has been in ups Nd downs with me is a teacher who changed my view. He is the reason I kept trying and worked harder.  And he never judged me from where I came from and always showed respect even if I failed an assignment which didn’t happen often with his support. that one room in which I bet if I were to be in right now with the same people it would feel like I never left.

1 Comment

  1. Annie Wang

    Emilio, this is a beautiful tribute to your teacher, Mr. Fletcher. Your writing includes vivid descriptions about school feeling like a jail cell and Mr. Fletcher’s classroom being one place where you could feel free. I love this imagery and challenge you to continue developing this idea into a larger piece. What is your takeaway about the education system thanks to your experience with Mr. Fletcher? How did it change your views of learning, in general? I want to see how that change happened for you in your final piece.

    I’m looking forward to seeing where you take this.

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