“I’m not perfect and I understand that” A weakness that has always be thrown around my name was how talkative I was and how much of a distraction I could be to others seeing myself from then to now I’m happy to say that I stayed true to myself and I stayed true to who I was growing up I seen a lot of kids walk away from who they truly were for the likeness of others and as I kid I didn’t want to go against myself just to please other people and it’s the same way I am now.I had to learn myself I had to go through a phase of self understanding realizing who I was and who I wanted to be and what impact it would have on the people around me I realized my same talkative and distracting voice and personality would be one of greatest gifts I say this because I’m a believer in purpose and I believe everyone has there own path in life God has a odd way of putting me in the lives of people that go through silent battles wether it’s my friends ,family ,peers or just strangers I’m able to meet along the way I have a weird way of being able to speak to people in a form of connection I always thought my purpose was bigger than me as a whole I come into these peoples lives and give them a sense of understanding a place of comfort and make them feel vulnerable enough to reciprocate how they feel and what there going through for my friends they always tell me that when I’m around I’m able to make people forget about the things they go through I’m able to comfort them in even when there world feels like it’s coming to ruins it made me appreciate alot more knowing the same traits that the school system tried so hard for me to get rid of would be my biggest factor in my friendships and relationships. I started to understand how important my voice was this prompted me to go speak more freely as I got older in highschool I was able to connect with anyone because of my background or just off first impression people assume things about me not that I mind because I understand that at all times who isn’t being judged as much as we shouldn’t we all assume things on first glance about one another but this would sometimes bridge gaps with people who didn’t share the same background or up bringing as me but I understand the power behind my voice so I was able to speak make new friends and connections from all different backgrounds be that person that people could always come to for anything and they didn’t have to feel shy or looked down upon this same character trait helped me throughout my classes especially during presentations I understood how word choices and creating a space where others could relate to what your speaking about makes your opinion much greater I added this into my everyday life and jus accepted my talkative and distractive way as just who I am I’m not perfect and I understand that. 

-Thiek lindoÂ