From what I’ve read so far , I can gather that ingridents of the education narritive genre is having a a series of events that were life changing and change your perspective on certain things. Weather that can be in an education way, personal growth or just gaining knowledge and skills. In the writing “Maybe I could save myself by writing” & in “The fourth of july” both authors dealt with some sort of misplacement, Which both were difficult situations that changed there view on things. In “Maybe i could save myself by writing” the author wrote about how misplaced he felt in both US and Mexico and he just felt like he didnt belong in both and writing helped him deal with that and help him find a place within himself that felt like home. Audre Lorde  dealt with discrimination and racism that angered her. She wrote about it and expressed her feelings about the situation. She became politically active.  Both writings have a issue and the author writes the way they felf about the specific issue which i think is a key to writing an education narritive genre. A place i think would be a good start for my own education narritive is thinking anout a problem in my life that when resolved changed my perspective on things.  That can be myself or family, friends or just life, people,personal growth knowledge or new skills developed due to this issue. A concern i have about writing my own education narritive is choosing which dilemia happened in my life that triggered personal growth, higher education or evben skills. basically thinking about  what was that turning point in life for me.