Dear students,

Thank you for such a wonderful semester together. I’ve had a blast getting to know everyone and appreciate the opportunity to be your teacher. I hope can walk away from this class with a new perspective and understanding around writing and personal expression.

Here’s a recap of any last-minute work you’ll want to get in by tomorrow (12/20 midnight) and how much they are worth for your grade:

  • Participation assignments (25%), which include:
    • OpenLab posts – all of the OpenLab assignments are posted here
    • Your Perusall readings and annotations, of which there are eight total readings
  • Revisions of your Unit 1 personal essay (20%)
  • Revisions of your Unit 2 Reflective Annotated Bibliography (20%)
  • Revisions of your Unit 3 project and Artist Statement (20%)
  • Your Final Reflection, which was due 12/14 (10%)
  • Revisions of your “Later” assignment, which include the post for 9/21, a re-reading plan, and the post for 9/28 (5%)

I will have candy for those coming to today’s optional class!

Have a healthy and restful holiday break. Good luck with all your future pursuits – I wish each and every one of you success in whatever you put your mind to. Don’t hesitate to reach out in the future if I can be of help!


Professor Annie