This year coming into English 1101 I was not very confident that was going to do well. In highschool I barely gotten C sometimes and that was on a good day. So from the first day in class I decided to make sure I do my work on time and put effort into my reading and writing so I don’t fall behind. My reading and writing skills was fairly poor in the beginning. I was barely answering the questions effectively and I was use redundant words and doing run on sentences like an inexperienced writing. Around August I was not the best when it came to doing in class writing and open plan assignments. The open lab post on August 31st I wrote an response to the perusal article  Mike Bunn “How to read like a writer” and I didn’t understand it very well. For the first sentence I wrote “The text introduces Mike Bunn and his ideology that reading like a writer can help you see how the writing process is a sequence of making decisions.” This answer is not completely wrong but it’s mundane and it doesn’t capture the readers attention and get them or me thinking. Also as a reader and  I’m supposed to be in the author shoes and I’m not because i was a inept writer. Since the beginning my writing has changed. I’m more suffice with the information I am providing and my writing is more adequate for my readers to read. In unit one In September I had a lot of fun writing and my writing started to get  significantly better. I wrote about my experiences in quarantine because it made who I was as a person and a student. I had some assumptions about myself and my writing through especially in unit one. I thought my writing wasn’t college level work because of the vocabulary I was using but I think differently now and I believe that it has gotten better since unit one.  Also my work never use to flow properly, everything was all over the place. My classmate jade gave me peer feedback saying that my work has different points and it’s now flowing and it stood out to me because I was unconsciously doing that in the past, wring and jumping ti different points. I have learned now to let my work flow like a River and now have them in puddles because the water is there it just needs to flow.

Around October is when things started to get more harder and challenging because we were entering unit 2 and in my opinion the hardest unit out of all three. I was given the option to choose any topic and write about it. I choose slavery because I’m African American and it resonated with me but I quickly dropped out because it wasn’t modern and it was a very controversial topic. I ended up doing Foster care because that was more interesting to me and my classmate Gabby gave me the idea for the topic as well. I did the work but it ended up being wrong. The citation were wrong and the summary and Analysis was wrong too so I had to make revisions. The introduction and conclusion was strong so my writing gotten better on that half. For my conclusion I said “The people that need to know about the rates in mental illness in children is the people that have the sufficient and necessary funding to support the children and the people looking to adopt or foster a child”. There sentence was very strong and specific to what I was talking about in my research. There was a lesson that stuck with me when doing this assignment and thst was of you are going to do something do it one hundred percent all the way.

In the month of November and December I worked on unit 3 and I thought it was going to be easy but I made many mistakes along the way. I did the assignment wrong and I am now redoing it over. I originally did an opinion article but I found that to be difficult since I got an F on it so now I’m doing a pamphlet  there telling parents five things you need to know when fostering a child with mental health issues. This way is more fun because it’s easier for me and the person reading it because they get more out of it than what i did last time and I did an artist statement but got a bad grade on that too so that’s getting redone. Overall this class was amazing and I learned a lot of valuable information and lessons. My favorite unit from the semester is unit 2 because I had to put in the most work for that project and the outcome was shown. As I said to myself in the beginning of the semester “My goal is to get an A in this class” I worked towards it to achieve it and put in the work so it can pay off. Also I can take what I learned and use it in the real world like the chatgpt lesson when to use and and not to use it. I had many take away from this class and i will use it to better myself in the future.