For Unit 1 for the most part I fully comprehend the assignment and understood what I had to do. It wasn’t difficult to complete and I got a fairly good grade on it. I felt morbid about the fact I got an B on it when I should’ve gotten an A. What my classmates recommended me to do is to make all of my paragraphs flow because it sounded like I was jumping from one topic to another without there being a stream. My essay according to my piers was basically big puddles of water but no Channel/ Cannel to have the water flow. To enhance my essay for revisions I would strive to integrate their advice seamlessly. I would put it in my writing because it will make my writing  essentially better and I would move up a letter grade going from a B to an A. The teacher acknowledged that my essay is mostly complete; however there is a few areas where I can refine my craft and writing to achieve perfection. Unit 1 can be enhanced and can look better than it previously did when I first submitted it and the advice my classmates and teacher gave me can helpful in my endeavors.