Gabriella Leon

In reflection of Unit 1, something I feel like I could do better was to possibly just put in more
effort to proofread more. Something that I realized about myself is that I have a habit of jumping between procrastinating and procrastinating. That within itself is a problem because it causes chaos of an inconsistent pattern within the quality of my work. When I precrastinate I do better but I have ADHD so if I’m focusing on this one thing it makes me fall behind in other tasks. When I procrastinate I rush to finish and turn in the work so it isn’t up to its best potential. I also rush to hand it in so I won’t go into detail and review my work so I end up getting points knocked off for little things that I could have fixed and I feel like it makes me illiterate when in reality I was just trying to beat a deadline. All in all, I could try to put more effort into focusing and prioritizing important deadlines and giving in my best quality work so I can get the best possible grade.