Remember: Your Unit 3 projects are due next Tuesday, 11/21, and the Artist’s Statement is due Thursday, 11/30.

Here is the presentation order. If you’re interested in swapping dates, please work it out with the other student directly, and then email me with the other student CC’d to confirm.

Tues Nov 21 Tues Nov 28 Thurs Nov 30
Ivan Akeem Tariq
Lacey Daniel Jade
Mia Steven Britney
Ibrahima Luis Bianca
Ty Brian T Gabriella
Franceley Thiek Leslie
Yusra Duval Brian B
Emilio Jayden


  • Remember – I am not grading you on your presentation. However, you will lose a participation point if you do not present in class.
  • You can earn up to 5 points of extra credit if you have an outstanding presentation. These points will be applied to your lowest major assignment grade.
  • These are the only 3 days we will have presentations – no exceptions.
  • You have full freedom in how you’d like to present your work. Here are the only required elements:
    • Introduce your topic and why you were interested in it
    • Explain who your audience is and why you picked that audience
    • Explain what your genre is and why you picked that genre. What are some conventions of the genre we should be aware of?
    • What is the most important thing we should know about your topic / research?
    • Show us what your project looks like. If you’d like, email it to me in advance so I can project it on the screen.
    • Must be 5-8 minutes long.
  • Here are some optional but helpful guidelines:
    • Summarize the different sections of your project. How did you organize it? What decisions did you make for each section?
    • Walk us through what it was like to write for this audience and in this genre. Talk about what you found most surprising, challenging, or fulfilling about this project.
    • Feel free to read some sections of your work aloud to demonstrate some key points – but don’t read the whole thing!
    • Additional visual aid (slides, etc.) beyond your existing project is not required but may be helpful. It’s totally up to you!
  • Afterward, you’ll spend a few minutes answering any questions from me and your classmates.