When thinking about incorporating religion into your household you should stop and think about how it may change and affect your family both positively and negatively. In most cases people look for peace when involving themselves in religion but when a family is attending not all members may agree with what is being discussed, this may cause a disconnect and tension between family members. A podcast called The Broski Report by Brittany Broski goes into depth about how religion changed her family dynamic and described how it impacted her first hand, “Not only have I left the church but I resent how it made me feel about myself about being a woman in my Womanhood and my desires that are very natural and my prerogatives and my life choices and my philosophies” (33:37). This goes to show how sometimes choosing religion over your family isn’t always the right fit and it should incline you to look further into what may help your family thrive better. Everyone has different beliefs and it is important that you let your kids have a say and a voice to advocate for their own feelings when you’re including them in something as important as religion.