The reason I am writing this paper is to teach people about the conflict of the Israel and Palestine. I hope to spread the truth and show the one side that is always overlooked.  I want my audience to finally realize and wake up to the fact that there is an ongoing genocide that’s okay in peoples eyes. Western media had twisted everything to make the Palestinians look as if they are the oppressors when they are the oppressed. My paper will hopefully show the truth and wake people up and educate people . My intended audience is to people who happily support Israel without knowing whats really going on themselves, its also intended towards the Zionist or people who are just looking to educate themselves on the topic.  I’m planning on to do a research paper. I chose the genre of a research paper so I can show facts and evidence to spread the truth. The first step I will be taking is researching and starting a really rough draft. Something that worries me is trying to make a good introduction, it is what grabs a reader’s attention so it has to be really thoughtful and attention grabbing.