I would like to publish my article on a newspaper or a magazine like the New York times. The types of articles, stories, and medias, they have are daily news, games, cooking, sports and etc. The audience for this type of articles and news are for new yorkers but anybody can read them as well. . To be more specific i think the new york times are for everybody like students, adults, and the elderly as well. The pieces are pages long. The tone for most of these articles are serious and not really funny at all. They talk about a lot of politicks and daily news on whats going with the government with laws and etc. The authors who write the articles use people as a source and they credit them as well. Yes the new york times have all black and white text for the most part. I do think this will be a good publication to reach my intended audience since New York times is really popular and probably one of the top news pages that are read and used to reach people on a daily.