Q- What is celebrities’ responsibility for introducing technology to the public?

Key words: Celebrities, Technology.

Gao, Peng, and Liang Zhao. “Study on Deep Learning Technology to Construct E-Commerce Industry Marketing Promotion Model.” Security and Communication Networks, vol. 2022, 11 Oct. 2022, pp. 1–11, https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/9958398.

Olenski, Steve. “How Brands Should Use Celebrities for Endorsements.” Forbes, www.forbes.com/sites/steveolenski/2016/07/20/how-brands-should-use-celebrities-for-endorsements/?sh=1236925d5593. Accessed 7 Nov. 2023.

Gao, Peng, and Liang Zhao. “Study on Deep Learning Technology to Construct E-Commerce Industry Marketing Promotion Model.”

In recent years, the Internet has completely changed the way we live and do business. It’s like a new technological revolution that has affected the entire world economy. Many industries are now using Internet technology to achieve great success. One major impact of this is the rise of e-commerce, which has changed how we shop and how companies market their products. Traditional marketing methods no longer work as effectively as they used to.

Network marketing, which involves promoting and selling products on the Internet, has become increasingly important for businesses. They are trying to figure out how to use it effectively alongside traditional marketing methods. With the growth of the internet, e-commerce has also embraced live broadcasting, where people can watch and buy products in real time. This has created a whole new way of shopping and marketing.

The internet has also made it easier for individuals to have a say in what they want, reducing the imbalance of information. This means that consumers have more power than ever before.

Traditionally, network marketing involves a lot of advertising and pop-ups. But companies have started using new tactics, like sharing red envelopes, to reduce costs and improve the effectiveness of their marketing. Live broadcasting is another big change, where internet celebrities show and talk about products, helping consumers make choices.

Before live broadcasting, TV shopping was a popular way of selling products online. Now, it’s similar to watching a TV show where the hosts convince viewers to buy by using exciting language and demonstrations. Network marketing is like using a “shotgun” approach, trying to reach a wide audience, while direct sales are more targeted.

Precision marketing is a powerful and low-cost way to find the right customers and make a profit. It’s widely used in many industries, but it’s still relatively new in the world of e-commerce, especially when it comes to selling unique products like agricultural goods. This article compares traditional and online marketing, explores emotional responses using the AdaBoost algorithm, and introduces a new network marketing approach that combines live broadcasting and e-commerce.