• The platform that I would like to publish in would be TEDx Talk (https://www.youtube.com/@TEDx)
  • TEDx Talk show, individuals get opportunity to speak about life and experiences, share idea, innovations, and just the whole point of spreading important information and knowledge to people which also informs, aware and educate them.
  • I think videos gravitates, grown teenagers, adults, parents, entrepreneur, thinkers and also positive related people. Thier videos are related to all of those stuff listed just now.
  • Thier videos are usually between 7-20mins long.
  • They have a friendly, welcoming, informative tone.
  • It is mostly and informative formal diction used.
  • Think they usually use experiences or what they have developed, or research based on their own knowledge too.
  • Thier Presentation is mainly about standing up giving a speech, speaking and engaging with their audience in a theater type thing. So usually, they speak on a microphone and also presentation on screens to also present visually to the audience when needed.
  • I think it would be a fitting publication for my audience based on my unit 2 topic, because you actually get to speak with an audience also, it is possible as well that it will not only reach physical audience it also will be able to reach a virtual audience widely across the world with the aid of technology being used.