For unit 3 I would want to teach my audience the importance of believing in something even though there is no evidence of what you believe in. When i say this I’m relating back to my own example back in unit 2 ,  about the afterlife. Im a big believer in afterlife but just like in any other topic a lot of people are not believers on the afterlife. The type of audience I’m trying to reach is literally everyone.  Just like me , you should be entitled in believing what you want to believe in without anybody telling you , no thats make believe, or no thats false and so on. The genre I’m planning to use i’m still uncertain on.  My first step is maybe to ask people and friends around me on their opinion and if they think the afterlife is real. I think this will help see how people view something that’s not “real” but see if they believe in it anyway. Something right now that I could use help on is picking a genre. I’m still uncertain on what genre I can pick for this.