Re-reading “Later” I realized nothing new but it gave a little more clarity on what Surowiecki meaning of procrastination is to him. Procrastination is a physiological thing humans go through when there’s  pleasure of doing something  instead of doing something that’s boring and a waste of time. When important due dates come up for things to be done we tend to push it back knowing it’s important but when the due date comes up it’s done last minute or done late. Surowiecki argues that procrastination is a universal phenomenon that affects individuals across various cultures and professions.

Worldwide humans tend to procrastinate most of the time and this can bring problems worldwide. Having awareness of your procrastination is the first steps, then now putting in the actual effort to get to the future success you’re thinking of. There’s a feeling of perfectionism wanting everything to be done perfect but that tends to make you avoid the task because you don’t want to fail, which relates to me  a lot. What surprised me is when Surowiecki said procrastinators “self-handicapped” themselves causing this “viscous cycle”. This “viscous cycle” is letting things pile up and you start to overwhelm yourself then you run away from it when all you have to do just like Nike Just Do It.