
During my research of the emergence of flooding in New York City (NYC) I learned that flooding is a byproduct of years or even decades of man-made pollution, urbanization, over population and it cannot be escaped. The conversation is not future tense, it is present tense, and we are in the thick of it. We may not solely be responsible for the flooding we as experiencing but we need to be the solution for our future generations if they are to enjoy life in this city and in this world by extension. During my research it was a new discovery to learn just how drastic the coastal flooding and sea level rising is affecting communities right here in NYC. Also, the difficulties they experience on a regular basis doing everyday task like going to work and school. I believe this is important for New Yorkers to learn because not only are we losing coastal lands, but this magnifies the problem of global warming and will make them aware of just how much increased water in our seas and the atmosphere resulting in these sudden drastic storms and hurricanes. This information will also awaken them to the reality of how this problem is upon us and we have to find solutions.
Environmentalists said that Manhattan is sinking, and this is a fact, but this isn’t the best way to explain it however it is the truth. Since the 1970’s we lost more than a foot of coastal land around Manhattan and within the next three decades we will lose more than six feet again. This stood out to me in my research because I work and attend school around Manhattan, and it is thought of one of the world’s best cosmopolitan cities. How will we survive everyday life here if flooding becomes more frequent and unpredictable? My research has shown me that many people are treating the problem of climate change as a kind of lasa fair issue that probably doesn’t even exist to some. As a result, my target audience is my fellow college students and I choose this group of people because I believe they have great power to influence others like their peers, families and community. College students are tomorrow’s leaders and if we have a group of tomorrow’s leaders in every area of study and in the future every sector of the labor force, who is aware of the climate change problems facing us now maybe one day we will have leaders who will really work together to make an impactful change.