I think that the most important thing I learned in unit two is that we need to provide legal counsel for these kids to ensure that they are being correctly represented with their best interests at heart and to lower their chance of getting deported. It’s important to bring awareness to this issue so that these children are not being unfairly deported when they are all alone. The audience that needs to hear about my topic the most are lawyers, law students, and government officials. I say this because I believe that these people have the most power to incite change and implement policies that can be beneficial to unaccompanied minors in court. The genre that I think i’m going to write in is a news article because I believe it’s the best way to reach my audience and update them on current news that they might not know about. News articles are very hands on and showcase how current issues are affecting individuals. My first step will be to look at how news articles are written and try to outline how i’m going to start my own. What i’m worried about is sounding repetitive and not delivering the information in a satisfactory way.