Since politics and economics are incorporated into my question/topic, I will select the idea to create an op-ed piece. I learned that what leads to socialism taking power is allowing someone to take over the government, and we know that someone being in power means voting during elections and as constituents following every action, every policy/legislation that is passed, or what they plan to promote from their agenda. My first step is to take infographics of previous incumbents and the legislations (preferably in my district or maybe, if I need to, the whole city) that worked or did not work and compare how many people voted for this individual but also observe what other proposals/agendas were being promoted before elections. I am worried it can be considered a hot take for the being of the topic I think it’s quite sensitive, and it’s not my intention at all to offend or disappoint anyone; it’s an op-ed in the end. What I might find hard is to compile all of this into a MLA document since I’m still getting familiarized with the format.