All things considered i truly stand on believing that Abortion is healthcare and should be every women’s given right. Throughout this paper it is demonstrated that abortion should not be deemed the easy way out but should be considered to be an advantageous choice for all parties involved.It appears that in contrast to that point that “pro lifers’ have a defense in the tone of “an easy decision does not mean its the right decision” but they are looking it completely different. That may seem reasonable to some but in generality i believe that just because a decision can be “uncomfortable” or hard, does not mean it was the wrong decision either.Anti-abortion laws do not only affect pro choice women ,they affect every women with a uterus that contains the chance of pregnancy. Women who have lost pregnancies they literally wanted have been penalized by the circumstances of anti-abortion laws.Motherhood is a huge journey and commitment that not everybody may be ready for and that should be their choice.Not every body is prepared to go through the motions of pregnancy and should be offered abortion as a form to healthily save their life and do what is best for their mind and body.You can not be pro life and only vouch for certain lives.Pregnancy is not only about the embryo in that women’s stomach,its also about the women carrying it. I will keep saying this until ignorance is silenced,Abortion is health care.