In closing my research “How does child abuse child abuse affect children’s mental?” It has added to my understanding of the many victims who are living in silence just because of the fear they have over their lives. It also allowed me to see that we cannot stop child abuse but, we can work together to bring awareness to the problem to try slowing the spread of it. During my reading, the information that astounded me the most was when the author of the article “Jason Cross” stated that “13,820 reports made in 2017. Using the 2011 census, this means that there are 1,730 reports per 100,000 minors aged 0-17”. For a country that small (JAMAICA) I would consider that as an extremely high report for the year. Learning about child abuse is important because, being educated helps individuals to listen and look out for or children and others, providing protection and also sharing the word with the world. It also shapes the thinking of adults to be more alert to changes in their kids whether physical, emotional, or any other way. It helps to provide support in any form. However, learning about abuse is pivotal to ensure the safety and well-being of children and to protect their innocence. Given that doing this research gained me some more knowledge it is for the public themselves to gain knowledge and be aware more about these tragic incidents.