As the research concludes there are questions that may still arise. Religion is a powerful and complex structure that many may fit into but at what cost? Families all over experience some of the most universal problems and religious beliefs lie at the center of it. So, why is it not talked about? Contrary to popular belief, sometimes religion isn’t the solution to all issues that can range from self-identity to familial relationships and more. Sometimes being understanding and compassionate can lead to a better relationship within oneself and family. Instead, problems are often swept under the rug and labeled as fixed when in reality there’s more depth to it because some find comfort in hiding in their faith and letting a “higher power handle it.” Due to some negative connotations around religious institutions, some go as far as providing guidance to those who experience problems or doubts in their faith, but there is a fine line between helping and convincing, and some feed off of those who are lost. Therefore, this research may not have a definite conclusion but it can expand our knowledge of this complex atmosphere that religion has created and reduce the impact that it has on oneself but more importantly on familial relationships.