As a little boy,  when lived in my native country; Colombia. I was obsessed with nature, the wild, and the beauty of the fauna and flora around me. Now that I’ve grown and lived in a metropolitan city I’m so grateful for the connection I was able to make with Mother Nature. When I was around 7 years old. My favorite subject ever since I remember going to school was science. I would walk home from school and take detours into random areas, which now that I’m writing this. I’m glad I’m here to tell the story. Sometimes I did it with my classmates, but most times by myself. I found a friend who was into frogs and toads. We would go together and hunt for frogs to learn about them and their behaviors, and see them in their habitat.

It would be such a fun time. I would come across many species of life; grasses, mosses, flowers, weeds, and trees and let’s not forget the little ones that lived on them such as lizards, ants, caterpillars, moths, butterflies, dragonflies, and the many different birds and their songs. There was so much to explore. The world seemed so big and complex but it was right at the touch of my fingers…. Ewwww no. but before I didn’t mind touching things with my bare hands.

The education system has always helped me understand the world outside of the cities. I remember in 6th grade we had a few pets in our homeroom/science class. And we would be able to take the responsibility for them. It allowed me to see the animals adapted and fitted to be in classrooms. I was very much far from everything that I called home but seeing these pets and being able to care for them. Help me with my transition from Colombia to the USA.

Now that I live in the city… I’m interested in different subjects but the little kid within me will always love nature and being one with mother nature.

Now that my interest has died down. I’m more interested in the technology of today. And the wonders we can use it for.