Why do people take drugs knowing it’s bad for them ? This question came to me so gradually due to the environment I live in and in black communities there’s homeless people I see taking drugs and adolescents my age taking drugs. So, now that I have done my research taking drugs as a human is used to have a temporary sensational feeling and people use it to astray from whatever issues that is goin on in their lives. Drugs in today’s society is promoted worldwide from big influencers, which create this okay mindset to take drugs especially at minor ages. I seen the physiological effect drugs can have on a person if they don’t have strong will power inside themselves to keep themselves balance and not into a drug addict if you are gonna take drugs. It’s surprising how profound drugs is used but when it comes to helping people with their drug addiction it’s not spoken about more. I’ve learned that this world is more attentive to wrong things instead of the things that are really important.