Child abuse

TEDx Talks. (2016). Healing Adult Survivors of Child Abuse | Fire-Brown | TEDxGreenville. Retrieved October 23, 2023, from

Knowing child abuse is a disruptive common case for children and adults, I further used the YouTube video above titled, Healing Adults Survivors of Child Abuse as a final source entry. The speaker “Fire Brown” was an advocate to her audience explaining her devasting child abuse encounter when she was a child and sharing her healing process. Brown proceeded by stating the three stages of the healing process which were “remembering, mourning and healing.” After that, she started speaking about the incident that took place. Brown was shocked, frightened, and scared. Following such a brutal assault as a little girl, (the day)s after she began to have flashbacks, dreams, terrible memories, and nightmares of being molested.


Years later brown started having massive impacts from being abused. She developed anxiety, depression, agoraphobia and also being a drunkard. She clearly wanted to heal but the effects/impacts were taking over her mental health and she just didn’t know how to control herself from that. Brown didn’t want to continue to live her life going through all of that pain and suffering, because she eventually started to develop suicidal thoughts as many victims would have also developed. However, a few more years later the child abused victim brown sought help. She went to therapy to get some support, because she wanted to be healed. She didn’t see herself doing it by herself. Many victims are afraid to seek help because they fear a lot. They are ashamed of not wanting people to know their story because most people are judgmental these days, they also fear not knowing if the person they are talking to is also a molester because now that they’ve experienced that incident the trust level for them is low.


Based on observations from people I know personally, articles I’ve read, and the audios I’ve listened to, is that victims’ biggest fear is to speak. The reason for this is, that when they do express themselves, many of them are not believed by listeners, and that gives the victims some more pressure because they’ve seen where there is no one to listen to them. Another reason is that they are told “not to tell,” because telling is a risk to their lives and the molesters threaten to kill the victims if they tell. This is why there are so many cases so many suicidal thoughts from victims and so much depression because they don’t know how to heal from their trauma.