Woodruff, Judy, William Brangham, and Sam Tsemberis. ” New York mayor orders some homeless people involuntarily hospitalized for mental illness.” Youtube, uploaded by PBS NewsHour, 1 December 2022,      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYoak752TDo

The rise of homelessness has been a running issue in the United States especially in New york City which has the largest homeless population than any other city in the U.S. The mayor of NYC, Eric Adams, announced a new policy to help this problem. This new policy allows first responders to forcibly hospitalize anyone that is living on the streets, and is undergoing mental illness, are believed to be a danger to themselves and not just a threat to others. Mayor Eric Adams announced “If severe mental illness is causing someone to be a danger to themselves, we have a moral obligation to help them and get the treatment and care they need.” As well as saying that city hospitals would be required to develop ongoing treatment for those that are admitted. Dr. Sam Tsemberis, founder of Pathways Housing First, spoke on the matter and expressed he was slightly disappointed with the mayor’s choice. He expressed that it should be an evidence based approach, involuntary treatment is not a solution. Offering affordable housing is an immediate solution to homelessness. Along with follow- up mental health support services for those that are suffering with mental illness has been proven to be more effective. Asking police to take people against their will is unethical and may be illegal. In Sams experience, 5 years of coercive hospital treatments, staying a month, then being released back to the streets with no housing is a repeating cycle. The problem that should be prioritized is homelessness not mental illness, because mental illness takes time to cure. Homelessness can be cured immediately and getting them off the streets would be a safer, healthier environment not just for the homeless but for everyone.

When watching this news report I rewatched 2-3 times to ensure I had understood every piece of information. I agree with Dr. Sam Tsemberis and find him to be a credible source for having such a long history with studying and publishing work on homeless. He has an organization as well that works on getting homeless immediate housing. The PBS News I also found to be the most credible of most news sources since they double check their facts and are the least biased.

  • “We already know involuntary treatment in a psychiatric hospital is not a solution to homelessness. Housing is a solution to homelessness, and follow-up mental health support services are what helps people with mental illnesses do better.     2:36