Source 3: John Noonan , “What happens to your soul when you die? The afterlife revealed” Last updated : May 1 , 2023,sense%20of%20enlightenment%20or%20completion.

In this article we find out what religions believe happen to you and your soul when you die. Every religion stated in the article all have similarities which would be us going into the afterlife and believing that one does exist. On the other hand most religions have their own way of believing the process of your soul goes through different phases before reaching paradise or what some may call it “hellfire”. A couple of religions I’d like to name out that have different perspectives on where the soul goes and what happens when you die include, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism.  Christians believe in heaven and hell , with the fact that you as a christian have to except Jesus as your savior. Islam are very similar but they also believe in judgment day, where the day will come when everyone is separately judged on their actions determining where they will go in the afterlife.  I could go on and on explaining the rest of their beliefs but like all beliefs they all believe in a theory of an eternal resting place. Another theory is reincarnation , where souls return to the earthly realm in a new physical form. Reincarnation is deeply rooted in Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism. There are many scientific theories on what happens to your soul but the conservation of energy principle states cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another. So if our soul is considered a form of energy its possible to believe that it may undergo some transformation after we die.Another theory being quantum entanglement suggests a deep link between consciousness and the universe at a quantum level. With that being said soul immortality is a topic where many beliefs deeply believe in .


Overall this article explains how different religions share similarities on what happens to your soul when you die , including the fact that it’s yourself , the person you are today on what may come when you are about to die. Me personally , I am Catholic and I believe in the fact that there is a heaven and hell. So I can certainly see why all these religions teach and guide their people to believe in what they preach for. Something I actually never knew is that many religions do believe in the same thing but they just go about it a little differently. One thing I can say is i’ve heard the term “Judgment Day” a lot of times which I find interesting. Where at the end of your physical form’s body your soul which is you as a person, will be judged on what deeds you have done on earth , good and bad. Seeing which out weighs which. I would say and make an educated guess that your soul , you as what you were on earth, will be judged by a higher god like person and that he or she decides where you get placed in the afterlife. Either heaven or hell. We will never have pure concrete evidence on, if afterlife is real or not but I do like the fact that this article explained some scientific theory’s on what can happen to us moving on. Like the conservation of energy principle. Where if our soul is considered a form of energy than its possible to believe we may undergo transformation or even too transcendent. I’ve seen a lot of Tv shows and movies where they have shown people souls going to a higher place and being judged by a higher god which I find interesting. Like the show ” The 100″. Last episode of the series, shows how all the transcendent Theory all works which you can watch at any time yourself. I thought this show and the conservation of energy principle had similarities on what they are trying to say on how our souls have energy. I do find more reason now , that our souls may very much be a source of energy but I would never say that I am certain on it since there is no concrete evidence on it. Afterlife and the way your soul is so called”Immortal” will always be a myth or a belief. But none of us will truly know until it is our time to head to the “afterlife”.