Diversity No Matter What | NAACP 2023

Source 3

The Imperative of Racial Equity: An Analysis of “Demand Equal Opportunity in Education”

In an era characterized by the pursuit of equality and justice, the issue of racial equity remains a prominent topic of discussion. This paper explores the article “Demand Equal Opportunity in Education,” which passionately advocates for the ongoing necessity of race-conscious admissions and hiring policies to address persistent inequalities, promote diversity, equity, and inclusion, and ensure equal educational opportunities for all. The paper delves into the rhetorical strategies employed in the article, analyzing its arguments, appeals, and persuasive techniques to underscore the vital role of racial equity in the realms of education and employment. Introduction:

The paper introduces the central theme of racial equity and its relevance in the contemporary socio-political landscape. It highlights the advocacy for race-conscious policies as a means to rectify historical disparities and promote diversity and inclusion, despite recent legal challenges.

The article under examination begins with an exploration of the historical context, contending that institutions such as colleges, universities, and employers have shown inconsistency in embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion. This context is crucial in establishing the need for affirmative action and similar policies as a response to past failures, thereby challenging the notion that recent actions to strike down such policies render them obsolete.

The article invokes the authority and moral standing of the U.S. Supreme Court to underscore the subjectivity of the decision to strike down affirmative action. It highlights that this decision is influenced by the personally held beliefs of the justices, emphasizing that it is not an absolute indicator of the policies’ worth. This approach questions the legitimacy of the decision while acknowledging the court’s authority.Dispelling Common Misconceptions:

A critical aspect of the article’s rhetoric involves dispelling common misconceptions regarding race-conscious policies. It clarifies that such policies do not label every individual within a system as racist. This clarification serves to make the subject matter more accessible and counteracts frequent stumbling blocks in discussions concerning affirmative action.

The article employs emotional appeal as a powerful rhetorical tool. It includes the emotionally charged statement that “The use of education as a tool for discrimination is a grave injustice that should not be tolerated.” This statement emphasizes the moral and emotional dimensions of education’s misuse for discriminatory purposes, evoking feelings of anger and empathy among the audience.A Vision for the Future:

The article goes beyond the present and envisions a more equitable future. It emphasizes the critical role that guaranteeing access to quality education for Black children and providing sound employment opportunities for the Black community play in shaping this future. This vision fosters hope and purpose in the reader, underlining the long-term importance of racial equity.

The article’s rhetorical strategy culminates in a compelling call to action. It implores readers to not merely endorse equal educational opportunities as a matter of policy but as an ethical obligation. It urges colleges, universities, and corporations to wholeheartedly commit to fostering diversity.


In conclusion, the paper highlights the persuasive power of rhetoric in advocating for racial equity, drawing from the article “Demand Equal Opportunity in Education.” It underscores the enduring significance of race-conscious admissions and hiring policies through a skillful combination of historical context, appeals to ethos, pathos, and logos, and a compelling call to action. In a society continually striving for justice and equality, these policies are not relics of the past but indispensable tools on the path to a more equitable future.