The article “Impact Of Growing Up In A Foster Care System On Mental Health” is a profound reading with exceptional information. They delved deep into the minds of young children to see what they go through. They talk about what children in the foster care system face and the trauma that occurs with them.  Everything Better Help is talking about is factual whether it’s abuse, disparity or meeting all illnesses. They greatly convey the information to the reader and show why the foster care system is bad and affects their mental health. In the article it explains that parents have mental health illnesses because of the foster care system. I was wondering why since they gave their child/children away but they didn’t want them. “For foster kids and their biological parents, receiving quality mental healthcare can be challenging because of disparities in the mental healthcare system”. Were they not as active in the children’s lives? As of 2019, there were approximately 672,000 children in the foster care system in the foster United States. The article also  delves into how the foster care system is a complicated network of rules and people that help children who can’t live with their parents and it can vary a lot from place to place.  They also note that kids in foster care often have gone through tough stuff like being hurt or neglected. The system tries to help them but it can be hard to get the right help for each child. Looking up on the internet how the foster care system works can help me better understand the article because it’s telling me  how and what children go through but it doesn’t say if it actually works and if it can fix mental illness. For the author I would say that the information used in the article was informative and serviceable and it gives great insight of what children go through in the foster care system and they tell us about the mental illness rates.

In order to convey information and ideas succinctly and clearly, the author of the piece uses an explanatory writing style. Their goal is to enlighten the reader about the effects of growing up in the foster care system on mental health by dissecting and analyzing the topic. A thorough grasp of the subject is provided by the content, which is logically arranged and well-structured. By providing explanations that are grounded in evidence, the author upholds objectivity, which increases the information’s credibility and dependability. By making the intricacies of the subject understandable to a wide audience, this approach promotes awareness and comprehension of the difficulties experienced by those in the foster care system.

In the second source “The Mental Health Effects Of Living In Foster Care” by Sarah Sheppard talks about how being in the foster care system is hardships and struggles and is also a traumatic experience for the  children to go through. Children living in group homes and the home system frequently suffer from mental illness and this is evident. They suffer from PTSD, conduct disorder, depression, anxiety disorder, social phobia, and other conditions. In addition, they struggle with intense emotional issues like control issues and low self-esteem, which can make it challenging for them to form wholesome, loving relationships. The foster care system affects mental health rates in children dramatically; up to eighty percent exhibit mental health illness problems. Fulfilling the fundamental requirements of children in foster care can fall short. Children also in this situation may lack essential needs such as stable housing, adequate food, financial stability and protection from abuse or neglect. Meeting their deeper human needs like social connections, intimacy, love, independence and self-actualization can be significantly challenging amidst circumstances that may lead to homelessness housing insecurity, financial struggles and inadequate care. This leads to a child’s mental health and they having long forever lasting mental illness. 

The article “The Mental Health Effects Of Living In Foster Care” was a very interesting article. They discussed the mental health disorders associated with foster care. It was claimed that they get violent, depressed and have anxiety when placed in such conditions. It can cause loss of self work and look bad on their self image when they reflect on themselves. Dr. DeGarmo Says “Children in foster care often struggle with issues of trust, attachment, and anxiety” Children in foster care often struggle with issues of trust, attachment and anxiety due to the disruptions and instability they may have experienced in their early lives. They may find it difficult to establish safe attachments and to trust caregivers as a result of being cut off from their biological families and facing uncertainty about the future. This further adds on to mental health illness. If I can search up a website to better understand this article I would search up What Are The Long Lasting Effects Of Mental Health When It Comes To Children That Lived In Foster Homes.  

The author’s writing style is elite and she writes it in a way for the reader to understand what she is understanding and reading.