Americans have lived in a capitalist society that has helped them gain economic wealth, making America one of the world’s wealthiest nations. However, the idea of having either ideology (capitalist or socialist) running the system divides Americans over their concerns about how it can affect such a prosperous system or how it can generate economic equality. In a report conducted by the Pew Research Center, 55% of Americans portrayed socialism as a negative structure for the US government. In contrast, 42% of Americans have a positive view of socialism in the government. (1) Moreover, Americans anonymously shared comments about their impression as well as expressed concerns. On one side, viewers expressed how capitalism has supported the population through innovative projects, allowing people to make a profit off their hard work, and it works as an establishment in our society. Whereas people who viewed capitalism negatively stated that it generates the idea that people are lazy and want to live relying on welfare, it has negative impacts on the environment [climate change/global warming], or money can be a huge influence on politicians, creating an advantage for unfit politicians to be elected, and even setting unsafe work environments to employees. (1) In this article, we can understand how socialism and capitalism in our government have their own advantages and disadvantages regarding how they can help those in poverty or struggling to afford resources. These numbers and comments allow an insight that there needs to be a fair and strong economic system that will allow prosperity in a positive manner. But having too much of one thing can lead to negative costs [on either side, capitalism or socialism]. We know that socialism has good intentions and is on the people’s side. Still, we must understand if it’s logical enough to fit in such a powerful, built economic system supporting millions of Americans.


Atske, S. (2019, October 7). Americans’ views of ‘socialism’ and ‘capitalism’ in their own words. Pew Research Center – U.S. Politics & Policy.