Later Homework 09/28
After reading the article Later by James Surowiecki it was a very enlightening experience not to mention it still felt very relevant to me still. We did an in-class exercise to find the meaning of the words in the text we did not know the meaning to, and it was only during this exercise that I realized just how many words I knew, vaguely knew and how much I completely did not know. So equipped with the understanding of these words, reading the text became much clearer and enjoyable. I also gained a greater appreciation for the different references the author made to economists and socialists and their varying views on procrastination. To be honest the second time was totally intriguing to read and understand these references and to read them unbiased and just with an open mind to understand the points they were bringing across. For example, when the author described blowing of work as it maybe ‘you were actually engaging in a practice that illuminates the fluidity and the complicated relationship of human beings to time.’ And then he supported his argument with the view of George Ainslie who argued that dragging your heel is “as fundamental as the shape of time and could well be called the basic impulse.” I agree, however I am desperate to overcome this in my personal life and with my studies because after a long day at work sometimes procrastination takes over mostly because I am mentally and physically tired. Another reference was from an economist who explained hyperbolic discounters, who are I quote “people who are able to make rational choice when they are thinking about the future but, as the present gets closer, short-term considerations overwhelm their long-term goals.” I can associate here also sometimes I have my goals set in mind and I am on the path to accomplishing it, but some distractions occur, and I have to reel myself back on track and remind myself of my greater purpose of achieving my goal.