Source 1: 

Rivas, Mekita. “Murdered for Money: Five Cases That Show How Far People Will Go to Cash in.” Cnbc, 18 Jul. 2018, p. 1. 


Money controls our minds, it’s like a hypnotizing mechanism to make us need it because since we can’t eat without money or survive without money it’s like a rat’s race to try and get more by any means possible. Of course, you can get a job. or even sell drugs to people. but in this case, it’s even worse. Murder for money isn’t exactly something new and shocking but killing family even a family that adopted and treated you well. killing parents for their inheritance. This is pure evil out of this world, the kind of stuff that makes your blood boil. In this source we have a kid who killed his adoptive parents with his biological mother he just met again to kill them for money. What a great influence this money is like a drug to our minds we want and need it to the point we kill? In this we see how they even admitted it the upmost evil just to get money. Don’t get me wrong I love money and chase it as much as any other, but no such thing should happen in the process money is also a blessing to help people to change lives for the better not end them and then ruin your own life. This shows how money can alter the mind and how such a little idea or opinion just to get money ended innocent lives who tried their best to save the life of the kid who didn’t have money.  



  • “This mother-son duo killed Bluml’s adoptive parents, Roger and Melissa Bluml.” 
  • “Ultimately Bluml and Schaberg returned to Roger and Melissa’s home in Wichita, Kansas, where they shot the couple in the head while they were sitting in their car.” 
  • “Bluml believed that he stood to receive an inheritance of an unspecified amount.” 



For some background the partner in crime to Bluml was his biological mother. Talk about an amazing role model. Their plan to take all the money from the adoptive parents actually made his life easier since the biological mother abandoned him in the first place. And the moment she returns they commit an unforgettable crime, changing their lives and ending their adoptive parents’ life. This represents how money can really bring out the evil in you and that the greed for it will make you do whatever just to gain it. Bluml unfortunately had that happen to him with the help of his biological mother.  

While trying to do the assassination on his adoptive parents Bluml actually had a failed attempt or the plane just didn’t start out as planned which gave him time to reflect on his thoughts and actions but in the end for the greed of money he ended up going to the house again with his biological mother and shooting his parents in the car that they were in. For the adoptive parents to take in a kid and then die because the kid wanted more money is messed up. Not to mention that Bluml’s biological mother used him to gain money for herself she didn’t even care enough about Bluml to the point she abandoned him. Money is good but greed is what ruins lives. 

And lastly the confession of Bluml admitting that he indeed killed his parents for their money. He believed that if he killed them and got away with it, he would most likely get their inheritance since he was the only kid and he lived with them his whole life even if he was adopted. I guess he wanted to live the easy way by getting money without working for it since his adoptive parents wanted him to work since he did not work and stopped going to school meaning he was basically a freeloader. This could have led to more bad intentions on Bluml, but nothing is enough to kill the people who saved you raised you and even worse loved you.