How does the foster care system effect mental health illness rates in children?

Serach Terms: Depression,  Shelter & Group Home

In the first source they describe what children go through in the foster care system and the challenges they have to face when it comes to their mental health.  Children often get PTSD, Depression and Axsitny from being in the system and being in group homes. There mental illness can come from mental abuse, neglecting from other people and low self esteem. They feel these emotionas because they feel as if no one cares for them and they are a burden to themselves and everyone else around them. Children feel worthless and empty when they have no one around and they is a result of their low self esteem. According to the article 424,000 children are in the foster care system and 250,000 are in group homes and most of these children mental health is not of too part because they don’t have a proper family and they are not being taken care of. Also because America doesn’t see people of color as equals, one-third of the kids in foster care and group homes are also of color. This has a significant impact on them and could cause their mental health issues to either plateau or worsen. When children don’t have a family and they are sent into the foster care system they often have loved ones that perished and they are left with nobody. They can also experience grief, loss and be traumatized by the fact that a loved one closed to them has passed. Children frequently love their caregivers and expect them to meet their needs regardless of the caregiver’s actions or circumstances, but grief is a complicated process. When it comes to having their own materialistic items such as cloths and shoes; they don’t have that. They don’t have things of their own so if they move from home to home they have nothing they can feel like home to them contributing to their mental health. Many children in the foster care system feels that way and that can cause for the mental health rates in children to rise drastically. The first source gives insight of what young children face in the foster care system and in group homes.