Uighur Muslims in china have been held in concentration camps, as there being forced to do things against there religion be taught to not have faith in their religion and being torture and stripped from their human rights.

Why isnt there really any action towards this present day issue ?

Kate lyons.”The world knows what is happening to the Uighurs. Why has it been so slow to act?”, 2019

This article talks about the situation of the Uighur minority in China and the international community’s delayed response to their suffering. It highlights Sadam Abdusalam’s efforts to reunite his family in Australia, showing the obstacles he faced. Despite numerous reports of human rights abuses in Xinjiang, international concern was slow to emerge, partly due to China’s economic influence and limited awareness of the Uighur issue. The article also points out that China’s actions are seen as cultural genocide, targeting Uighur Muslims, and discusses potential biases against Islam that have hindered international support. While there has been some recent momentum for sanctions against China, the article calls for more consistent and outspoken international condemnation of the situation, particularly from countries like Australia.

jane perlez, “china want the word to stay silent on muslim camps. its suceeding.” new york times,2019

The article discusses the international community’s muted response to the human rights abuses in Xinjiang, China, where more than one million Uighur Muslims are detained and subjected to forced assimilation. few countries have taken a strong public stance due to china’s economic influence and the fear of retaliation. The U.S. has been one of the most vocal critics, but the trump administration has not taken significant action, focusing more on trade issues. The lack of strong leadership on the issue from the U.S. affects the global response. China has also worked to prevent discussions on Xinjiang at the united nations and has used its influence to avoid discussions on the issue, such as diverting a session on human rights violations in Syria. China’s diplomatic and economic power has largely deterred countries from taking a strong public stance on the human rights abuses in Xinjiang, leaving the Uighurs with little to no internatioinal support.